Sunday, February 12, 2012


At church this morning, a 12 year old boy spoke to the congregation about gratitude. It was a short talk but administered very well, so much so that the spirit of his talk lingers with me still. It is that spirit that reminds me of the many blessings that are mine and my families. I know that as we take time each day to reflect we will be able to see God's hand in our lives daily. I know His hand is in my life each and every day. I wish to share my gratitude.

This past summer I passed up job offer from a company I had interned with not knowing how I would take care of my wife and baby who was coming soon. I trusted that God would provide and He did! I love my new job and am grateful for it each and every day. With Jackson coming soon Courtney took off school and work to be a full time mom for Jackson't first months with us. That loss of income put us in a really tight position. Then an opportunity to house sit for some friends was offered. Now my income is enough to provide for our family.

Jackson has come! We have a roof over our heads, food, a great job, insurance and a beautiful baby boy who brightens each and every day! I'm so grateful for God's watchful care. I know He knows and loves us. I'm grateful for answered prayers and for an amazing wife who is patient, loving and manages sleepless nights with Jackson so well.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the sweet reminder. Mom has been asking me everytime we get into the car to go somewhere to name 5 things I am grateful for. At first it was a little anoying. But I soon realized that I too have so very much to be grateful for. Mom always reminds me that she should always be at the top of that list. I am grateful for that too. Life really goes by way too fast not to see and be grateful. The attitude of gratitude just makes life more enjoyable. Enjoy the journey, we love you all. Dad!
