Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Our Little Stinker!

So, at our last doctor's appointment we had our big ultrasound where we discovered Jackson's identity, which you already know. What you don't know is how hard we had to work to get our pictures of Jackson. Our ultrasound tech was very patient, and tried everything she could think of to get all of the pictures the doctors like to look at (heart, brain, kidneys, arms, leg, etc.) Jackson wasn't quite in the mood to get his picture taken and we weren't able to get a picture of his lips. Jackson had nestled his head face-down in my hip and wouldn't budge. Lucky for us, that meant we got to have another ultrasound at our next appointment to get this elusive picture!

Well, our next appointment was yesterday, and our ultrasound tech went to work again. This time, our little man first wouldn't turn so we could get a profile picture. No problem, I turned instead. Then he stuck an arm and a leg in the way of his face. So we poked and begged and moved around, and ultimately Jackson crossed both arms in front of his face so all we could see was his chin! We either have a very shy, or a very stubborn little boy on our hands. Back to the ultrasound tech next month!

We got one picture yesterday of his face from the front. The ultrasound tech called it his "first Halloween picture" since it looks like a skeleton.  He is on his side, and you can see his eye sockets and where his nose would be. 

We also have some ultrasound pictures from last time that didn't get posted that I can share too!  And of course, it's time for another baby bump picture!
Arms and elbows on the right, bum on the left.  I think he likes to have his arms by his face, just like Mommy does when she sleeps on her side :)

His foot and leg
His legs on the left, close together

Baby bump at 23 weeks!

Here are a bunch of clothes Rachel helped me pick out at the Just Between Friends Consignment Sale a couple of weeks ago.  He'll be a well dressed little boy!

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