Thursday, April 25, 2013

Jackson's photo shoot

My mom was in town last week and we decided to take Jackson in to get his 1 year pictures ... finally :)  I just picked them up today and thought I would share some of our favorites!
**Cool Story: We have been working on getting Jackson to walk lately without much success.  During the photo shoot, the photographer suggested standing Jackson against a wooden crate.  I sat behind him in case he fell.  He started pushing the crate and took a step!  And then another step!  Jackson walked all over the photo area, pushing the crate the whole time.  Mom and I were super excited!  Here is a shot of him in action :) 
Happy birthday little man!!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

New Blog


Court and I have started another blog. After much deliberation we decided to make it public for others to see. The purpose of this blog is stated in the first post that will be posted on the new site. You can find it at

The original thought was to post things we wish for our kids to know. We then thought it would be nice to also post things to each other. That led us to discuss if we should allow family and close friends to post anything to us or our kids as well. If you would like to post something to us and/or our kids send us an email and we will read through it first before posting it. We love you all and are excited to share this new opportunity with you. We hope it will touch the lives of all those involved.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Am I weird???

Is it just me or does anyone else have this problem?

 Whenever someone asks how I'm doing or how my family is doing, I always feel like an answer more than 'Okay' is deserved. However, I then come up with random things to say that are boring and awkward to listen to let alone say.

Someone called me this evening and asked that very question. My answer, 'We have been getting a lot of rain and everything is greening up and plants are blooming!' REALLY!? Really!? I could have mentioned Court is getting ready for finals and almost lost a semesters worth of work by spilling a glass of water on her computer. I could have pointed out that Jackson is getting his last teeth before his two year molars and has become quite the explorer. I could have said something more interesting that would actually be valuable to share. But no I spit something out about the weather.

Please say I am not the only one who does this.

Monday, April 8, 2013

I'm still here!!

A friend back home said I never post on this blog. I would like for her to look and see that I was the only one who posted for the first 2 or 3 years. However, she is right, it has been a while since I have posted. Here is my post. I'm going to cheat and post pictures and videos of our the past month or so.

Cory got tickets to the Utah Jazz game and invited us to go along. We had a great time.

Jackson helping daddy put together his Easter Present!
Jackson in his awesome Easter present from Grandma and Grandpa Brown!

The boys hanging out!
Jackson looking very grownup!
Ward family Easter Sunday!

Stuarts looking for Easter eggs.

Trisha and Efram looking for eggs.

Mommy and Jackson!

Arianna, Efram and Tommy enjoying their goodies!


Dessert pizza for after priesthood session of General Conference. Court and Rachel made this!

Our future pianist!
 Here are some fun videos! Enjoy!

Jackson looking handsome as always!