Friday, December 31, 2010

Holiday Recap

After a long and grueling semester a break was much needed. Courtney was grateful for an opportunity to see more of me. It is funny that Christmas has come and gone by so fast. Court and I had were able to fly out and see her family and spend Christmas with them. It was a lot of fun!

Day one and I already had a new friend in my sister-in-laws little boy Dante! He and his sister are getting so big. We had fun playing with them and spending time with the rest of Court's family. Christmas went great! The next day we were hit by a big storm. Dad asked me to post some pictures.

Here are some Christmas pics.The picture of the table is because we spent much of our time here eating delicious home made foods and desserts!! Yum!

Here are some pics of the snow. It was up to 3 feet in some places and just under 2 feet in others. The wind blew the snow everywhere.

Sadly, our fun had to come to an end and even worse we flew out on my birthday. Due to all the snow, many flights were canceled, so we had quite the trip coming home and missed all of my birthday. I did appreciate all the texts, calls and messages on Facebook! Thanks everyone! Court and I celebrated the next day instead and had a great day! The funny thing is that we woke up to  almost 6 inches of snow!  We tried to go to Salt Lake to go to the Melting Pot but another storm came in and we could barely see let alone drive North 45 minutes. So we turned around and celebrated at Chili's instead.

Talk about a small window. We might not have made it home had we flown later. Needless to say it rained and then froze here. Fun fun fun! Since then we have been cleaning, organizing, relaxing and playing some awesome Wii games we just got. Just in case you were interested, Donkey Kong Returns and Lego Harry Potter are addictive! Anyways, things are great and we are hoping that our break will extend as long as possible! We wish you all the best and a Happy New Year!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

This one is for you!


Typically I send you a birthday card on your birthday. This year I wanted to write to you on my blog and celebrate you to friends and family as well. I know that anyone who as ever come in contact with you walks away knowing that you are special. They see your genuine love and kind nature. You draw others to you and they become better people because of the way you are able to touch their hearts. You are a teacher, a friend, a husband and most special to me, a father.

I'm over a thousand miles away but I know that if there is ever anything I need I can call you and you will be there ready to listen and share your experience and council. Thanks for never passing up an opportunity to tell me you love me! There has never been a time when I doubted that fact. You are an amazing man! You are my example of how I can be happy in life. Thanks for all you do! I love you!

On your birthday today I want to celebrate you! Anyone who knows or has met my dad and would like to celebrate him please comment on this post and I'll make sure he checks back and reads your comments! Thanks.

Happy Birthday Dad!!