Tuesday, April 17, 2012

April Update

April has been a fun month so far!  Shawn had spring break the Thursday, Friday, and Monday surrounding Easter so we were able to spend time together as a family.  The weather was great, so we took advantage and went for walks around the neighborhood.  Jackson enjoyed looking around at everything!  Shawn also had fun working on the yard.

We had a really fun Easter!  Jackson got an Easter package from Grandma Brown with a book and some clothes.  We also had the Stuarts and the Kaouks (Shawn's sister's family) over.  We had a really good Easter dinner and then went outside in the backyard so the kids could have an Easter egg hunt.  Afterwards they flew kites and blew bubbles.  Arianna and Isabel loved blowing bubbles and Tommy and Efram loved popping them!
Jackson's Easter outfit
Presents from Grandma!

The kids getting ready to go find Easter eggs

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Why doesn't it work for me?

When Jackson is being especially unruly, how is it that he can smile at me or Courtney and all is forgiven and forgotten. However, when I do something wrong there is no way a smile will get me in the good graces of Courtney quite like Jackson can. Just saying, not fair!

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Can you see Jackson?!

It may be hard to see him but if you look right in the middle you might just catch him. He's sporting camo and just disappears into his background. We have to be careful when he wears this outfit, we tend to lose him a lot if he doesn't make any sounds!!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

2 months!

Jackson turned 2 months old on Saturday!  He is getting so big and so fun to interact with!  At his 2 month appointment yesterday he weighed in at 11 lbs 4 oz (50th percentile) and 24.75 inches long (90th percentile).  I definitely wasn't surprised to learn that he is tall.  He still has plenty of room in the tummy of most of his footed sleepers, but he has a hard time stretching his legs out all the way because they aren't long enough!

At 2 months, Jackson loves to ...
- give mommy and daddy big smiles
- talk to mommy and daddy
- wiggle, wiggle, wiggle
- look at colorful pictures in his books
- cuddle with mommy during nap time
- sleep in his swing
- take warm baths (but hates getting out of those warm baths)

Here are some pictures of our sweet boy!
My little wiggle worm!
Look at those cute dimples!
My two favorite boys