Saturday, May 4, 2013

Six years!

Today Court and I are celebrating our sixth anniversary! It is amazing how time flies. Court teases me because I forgot I was turning 30 this year. I definitely do not feel that old. Good news. I now have a new way to never forget our anniversary (I haven't yet). Court found out that today is also Star Wars Day! May the fourth be with you!!! Pretty funny!

This morning I made breakfast burritos.  I decided to mow the lawn and turn the irrigation water on to the house and check the sprinklers. I noticed one of our water spigots burst this winter and I had to run to the hardware store to get some parts. I was able to get everything fixed and hopefully tomorrow I can get the sprinklers on and going.

Court came up with an idea to do a picnic lunch at a nearby park that is by a lake. It was a wonderful way to get out and enjoy the weather. Jackson had a blast and we did too!

I know, I know, what an amazing way to spend our anniversary. That isn't everything. Tonight we'll go out to dinner and then a movie. Court picked out Iron Man 3! Who am I to stop her from seeing what she wants to see for our anniversary. I consider myself lucky. Trisha is wonderful and is going to watch Jackson for us so we can get out.  I'm excited!

Court is an amazing women, scholar,  friend, wife and mother. I fall in love with her with each day and year that passes. I'm grateful for her example, her love and her patience as we continue to learn and grow together. I love you! Happy Anniversary!

Here are some more fun photos and videos! Enjoy!

Me + Daddy = best Buds Forever!

Jackson likes to go into the bathroom and shut the door.


Jackson and two of his favorite things, Mommy and Mickey Mouse!

So handsome!

Am I doing it right?!

Somebody is tuckered out!

Picnic in the park!

Just looking for fishies!