Jackson says some pretty funny things, especially since Parker has been born. Here are some of our favorites!
When Parker starts fussing, Jackson walks over to him, starts patting him, and says, "It's okay baby brother, I take care of you."
Often, Jackson comes over to me, pats my head, and says, "Are you okay mommy?"
Jackson is a master manipulator. When he wants something, he phrases it in a question as if he is asking us, and then waits for us to repeat the question so he can answer it. For example:
J: "Mommy, you want some chocolate?"
M: "Jackson, did you want some chocolate?"
J: "Sure, mommy! That's a really good idea!"
While checking out at Costco, Jackson was chatting with our cashier. When he started putting the groceries in our cart, Jackson said, "Thank you sooooooooooo much!" The cashier laughed and said, "Thanks buddy! You just made my day!"
While putting the groceries from Costco in our car, the women in the parking spot next to us started backing out. Her window was open. Jackson waved to her and said, "Bye! See you soon!" She stopped, laughed, and told him thank you.
In the middle of lunch, Jackson looked at me and said, "Mommy, you're my best friend."
Jackson, after passing gas, started laughing like crazy and said, "It was me, mommy!"
While on a walk this morning ...
J: "Mommy, will you help us find Daisy's lost sheep?" (from a Mickey Mouse Clubhouse episode).
M: "We need to find Daisy's lost sheep, huh?"
J: "Yes!"
M: "Okay."
J: "You will? Okay mommy, let's get some Mousekatools!"
Later on the same walk ...
J: "Mommy, can I hold your hand?"
M: "Sure, Jackson!"
J: "That's a really good idea, mommy!"
Today we had to go to pick up Parker's birth certificate in Provo. The Health Department building happens to be across the street from the new Provo City Center Temple that is under construction, so we walked across the street to check it out when we were done. Jackson loved looking at the Angel Moroni on the top of the temple, and at all of the construction workers around the temple. When it was time to go, Jackson got pretty upset.
M: "Jackson, it's time to go home. Say bye-bye to the temple"
J: "No, I don't wanna say bye-bye to the temple!" (in a very whiny voice)
The whole way across the street, this continued.
J: "Mommy, where we going?" (in the same whiny voice)
M: "We're going to the car so we can go home. Do you want to listen to Jackson's music in the car?"
J: (cheerfully) "Um, yeah mommy! That makes me happy!"
Shawn and I were in the middle of a conversation and Jackson was trying to get my attention. He pointed at my face and said, "Um, mommy, stop talking."
We were driving in the car and Mary had a little lamb came on radio
J: "This is my song!"
For Family Home Evening (FHE), our family night, we were driving to see the
temple and Courtney was teaching Jackson about the temple. She mentioned that we go to the temple to feel the Spirit of the Lord.
J: "I want to feel it!"
He proceeded to say that constantly the rest of the way there.
As we were driving to the airport on our way back home from CT, Jackson was having a rough morning. We had gotten up really early. I asked Jackson a question, and he responded with this:
J: "No. No fank you, mom. I'n having a NO day!"
Where does he get this stuff???