Funny, it was over a year ago that we last posted on our blog. It seems life is too busy and we have given our blog a lower priority than I thought it would have than when I first posted June of last year.
Huge things that have happened since out last post. Courtney not only got a full contract to teach at Mountain Ridge Junior High in Pleasant grove area here in Uath but she also was asked to be head of the Math Department!!! Crazy! little did she know how much work it would all be. This year she turned down being head of the department and is excited to have her friend Alicia teaching next door to her, making her life so much easier.
August of last year Courtney and I brought back some furniture from our Washington trip vand were able to move into a two bedroom apartment close to campus that is bigger and costs less than our last one bedroom apartment.
Courtney and I heard that there was a need to serve as volunteers in the Provo Temple and felt we should serve. January of this year we started and have loved spending our Saturday evenings there in Service to others. It has been an experience that truly blesses our lives week in and week out. Especially, since both her and I were called to serve as the Relief Society President and Elders'Quorum President in our Ward. Now our lives seem to be pretty full in balancing school work and service in our Church.
I had planned to go into the Accounting program here at BYU. It is one fo the best programs in the nation. Taking my last required class in order to apply, I realized that I wanted to go another direction, into Information Systems (I Sys). Little did I know that I'd have to wait another year just to apply. I applied beginning of this year and received a phone call in the middle of our big road trip saying I had been accepted. I'm now in the program and loving the fact that I had an excuse to buy a new computer and would be able to study things I enjoy, but am struggling with the work load that I'm given. We shall see how thigns progress as I go.
Our really good friends Rachel and Cory Stuart just had their first baby Tommy Robin Stuart. he is adorable and has brought a great spirit into their home. Our other really good friends Richard and Kate and Adelle Mackay moved into the apartment upsatirs and we love that we can visit them anytime or have excuses to babysit their liddle one Adelle.
We also took a one last harrah trip this past summer, but I'll save that for another post. Let's just say is was a wonderful trip that was well worth the time and money spent. We were able to see a lot of church history sites, friends and family.
Hopefully Court and I will do better at posting to our blog and share those things that are going on in our lives.
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