Usually I don't pay too much attention to legislation and things that are going on in the government, unless it directly affects me. Having a wife who works for the government as a Middle School teacher, I am more aware of things going on.
One of Utah's Legislators is crazy. He tried to get rid of the 12th grade in order to save money. That is just one of his many bright ideas. Recently, legislation passed, in my mind, a horrific bill that in effect cuts pensions in half and erases the retirement age completely. This would affect any new government employees starting after this year. Some of my details could be wrong, but this is how i understood what my wife relayed to me.
I consider this decision horrific because it effectually discourages anyone from becoming a policeman, fireman, teacher and any other government employee this would affect. Now you can't just retire at 65. You have to work x amount of years to retire. So if you get into the field later in life you would have to work past the age of 65 to retire and receive your pension which would be smaller than prior to this bill.
Legislators are quick to save a buck, but slow to see the consequences. From my wife's experience, class sizes are already to big. With less incentive to teach we will have fewer teachers. In turn, we will have bigger classes. The children will suffer. In my eyes these are our future. What are we telling them? Which police officer would show up to one of these legislators calls? I would say a very Christ-like police officer!
I know times are tough. I know lots of money has been thrown around to try to help the situation. Some of it has been successful, some not so successful. Sometimes it feels as though those decision makers in the government, in this instance state government, have no clue what they are doing. It seems as though they are out of touch with the needs of the people. Sure this may solve their problem for the time being(without touching their pocketbooks), but what about down the road? I am just sharing it like I see it. What do you think?
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