Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Only The Lonely

Courtney is gone, and I am not! Sad. Courtney's little sister Kara is graduating High School Friday, so, Courtney flew out yesterday to go and witness this special occasion. Her whole family is getting together for it. I'm excited that they all get to be there to celebrate and be together as a family before Kara goes off to college this next fall. However, I'm a little sad I won't be there. I'll be ok. I'm trying to keep myself busy so that it won't be so bad. Hopefully, Tuesday will come really fast. I'm inviting my coworkers over to play one night. We have a ward temple night another night. I'm going to a farewell party for some friends and Sunday will keep me busy with meetings, so, I think I'll survive . . . just barely. It is true that absence makes the heart grow fonder. I love and miss you Court. Have a great time!

1 comment:

  1. I feel your pain. Nate's at scout camp all week and I'm discovering that being the one left at home stinks! Thank goodness for friends nearby.
