Sunday, August 22, 2010

I'm seeing green.

Court and I decided this weekend that we would paint our apartment. It was too blah for us and we needed some color and excitement for a change.

Here is the before picture.

Here are some pictures during the painting process.

Here is the finished product.

The color is actually 'Grape Leaves'. It was either that or 'Asparagus'. Courtney picked it out and we both love it. It is almost like we have a new apartment. Sometimes we forget about it and when we walk in, it surprises us. That was part of our fun weekend. Hope you enjoy.


  1. Your apartment looks awesome! I love the color choice. What a fun new look!

  2. Looks like it's time for another Wii party so we can all come and see your awesome apartment!

    I mean, I guess I could just come over and look at it, but that would defeat the purpose of convincing you to have another Wii party.
