I have a lot of respect for those who work and go to school. It is a lot of work. I have even more respect for those who do it and have kids as well. Things are pretty crazy here.
Court's family was here and we had lots of fun with them. They spoiled us rotten that is for sure. Another highlight of this week was an interview with PepsiCo!! I think it went really well. Next week I have three more interviews with three other companies. I hope they go well. I've been told that once the recruiting ends in September, October feels very laid back and far less stressful. Is it bad that I yearn for October to come now??
Anywho, Court and I are doing well and are happy. We look forward to the moments we get to sit and relax together without having to worry about school work or other responsibilities for two seconds. Have a great week and wish me luck.
Much good luck to you! May your October be the best ever.