Monday, October 11, 2010

Entering the unknown with a little bit of вдохновение

Here is another interesting experience I had while in an interview. (Surprisingly, I was interviewing with the church again. What does that say about the interviewers? That is whole other story)

I was in an interview, and the interviewer asked me a strange question, "Can I give you some advice?" Caught a little off guard, I answered "Sure, why not." He then proceeded to tell me some of my strengths that he has noticed and suggested that if I were dead set on getting a Masters to look into two specific Masters Programs. I had never considered it before. I had blinders on, you might say, and was completely set on doing this one thing that I had never considered other options that might fit me better and make me more marketable in the work force.

I'm not sure what I'll do as of this moment. I'll do some research and be sure to let you know how things end up. I feel the interviewer was inspired and am grateful for him being worthy and willing to share with me those insights.

By the way, вдохновение, pronounced vdox-no-ve-nia, in Russian  means inspiration. You are now smarter for having read this.

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