Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Let the Guessing Begin!

At the end of our doctor's appointment today, like usual we scheduled our next appointment. That alone isn't super exciting, but what is exciting is that at our next appointment we are going to have our big ultrasound!! The big day is Tuesday, September 6th! So, Shawn and I thought it would be fun to get some guesses as to whether you think our little one is a boy or a girl. Shawn thought it would be even more fun to have everyone give a name suggestion with their guess too :)

So, let the guessing begin!!


  1. BOY! (So he can marry Jenna!!) First name, Jackson so it'll look good on their wedding announcements. Middle name, Conner. =)

  2. I think you'll have a girl. Names are so hard. How about Grace?

    Can't wait to hear the news!

  3. A boy. Nate. Definitely Nate. And if not Nate, then Herb.
