Tuesday, January 8, 2013

December Update!

December was a pretty crazy month.  It began with Christmas parties and finals, followed by a whirlwind of emotions when tragedy hit my home town, traveling back to CT to spend Christmas with my family, and ended with New Year's celebrations. 
My family has a tradition for everyone to have their own baby's first Christmas ornament.  Here is the one we ordered for Jackson!
There was a Santa at our church's Christmas party.
Mom and Dad, who is this???
Alright, I've had enough!!  Crying began shortly after this picture.
There was a giant stocking at the party and we just couldn't resist putting Jackson in it :)
Grandma and Grandpa Ward sent Jackson their Christmas Bear.  It sings Christmas songs when you press its hand or foot.  Jackson loved listening to the songs!!

Because Jackson and I flew out on the 17th, we had our little family Christmas at our home in Utah on the 15th.  Jackson is still too young to really understand opening presents, but he did a pretty good job with the presents where there was some give in the wrapping and he could just hit the box and break the wrapping paper.  
It took us 4 tries to get a family picture under the tree!
Our Christmas tree, complete with presents!
Finding things in his stocking
Mommy and Daddy got candy, Jackson got sweet potato puffs!!
You want me to do what?
Chillin' with his new bath toys!
Present time!
Shawn with his Christmas presents
And me with mine!

On the 17th, Jackson and I flew back to CT and Shawn joined us on the 22nd.  As Shawn mentioned in his last post, even through the hard times we were able to see some blessings and really enjoyed being able to spend time with my family.  Poor Jackson had a really hard time the first week without his daddy and didn't want to leave my side. Everyone was so excited to see him, and he would cry anytime I left the room or someone else tried to hold him.  Once Shawn came, he was a totally different baby!  He finally started warming up to everyone by the time we left.
Playing with Grandpa and cousin Dante
All tuckered out after a long day of last minute Christmas shopping with Mommy and Grandma
Christmas morning!  Getting ready to open presents!
Jackson LOVES books!
First present from Auntie Kara ...
It's a Mickey Mouse!!!
Poor guy did not want to wait for mommy to get it out of the box for him
And Mickey is back!
Giving Mickey some love, Jackson style!
We had to open presents in two waves because Jackson was tired
I love his facial expression in this one!

Kara getting ready to take a nap
Kara and Dante!
Kaliah playing with her favorite Christmas present ... her Nintendo DS
Grandma, Grandpa, and the grandkids!

Dante, Grandma, and Merrie built a pretty awesome gingerbread house!
Dante was very good at sharing his DS ... he's showing Grandma some tricks!
Jackson hanging out with Auntie Merrie and Dante
Showing off his waving skills
Kara made sure Jackson loved her before he left!
We flew back to Utah on the 28th and had quite the miraculous experience getting through the airport (we almost missed our flight).  Unfortunately we spent Shawn's birthday traveling, so we celebrated the next day with dinner at Red Robin with the Stuarts, and then I made Shawn a birthday breakfast, dinner, and dessert on Sunday.

Monday was New Year's Eve, and we had the Stuarts spend the night so we could ring in the New Year without having to go home and put kids to bed.  We had lasagna for dinner, ate lots of yummy snacks, and played some games. 

New Year's Eve was also the day Jackson turned 11 months!!!  I can't believe my baby boy is going to be 1 in just over 3 weeks.  This past year has gone by so fast and he has grown so much.  He is turning into quite the silly little boy, and Shawn and I love it!!  Stay tuned for an 11 month post so you can see what new tricks Jackson is up to!

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