Sunday, March 3, 2013

Jackson Update

We've had a pretty busy month, which is why I never got around to posting an update about Jackson's birthday.  And now he is 13 months!  Time goes by so fast! 
Here are Jackson's 1-year stats:
Head circumference: 19 inches
Height: 31.25 inches (91st %tile)
Weight: 21 lbs 10 oz (50th %tile)

Poor Jackson still wasn't quite 100% on his birthday after his stint in the hospital the weekend before, but he was getting better.  Shawn's parents flew into town to celebrate with us, as well as to celebrate Isabel, Arianna, and Trisha's birthdays that right around the same time.  We had his parents and the Kaouk family over to celebrate on Jackson's birthday with cupcakes and presents.  Jackson wasn't a big fan of his cupcake, much to my disappointment! 

  Jackson starting crying pretty soon after the last picture, and didn't eat any more of his cupcake.  Presents went a little bit better.  Jackson got some new pajamas and socks from mommy and daddy, mega blocks and clothes from Grandma and Grandpa Brown, two cars from the Kaouks, and a book that they recorded themselves reading from Grandma and Grandpa Ward.


We asked Shawn's dad to stay an extra week after Jackson's birthday to help us out so we didn't have to send Jackson back to daycare quite yet, hoping to keep him healthy!  Jackson and Grandpa Ward got to be best buds by the end of the week!  Shawn and I even got to go on a date and Jackson let Grandpa put him to bed with no problems!  It was so nice to get out, and it was so nice to have Shawn's dad in town for a week.  
Telling Grandpa a story
Giving Grandpa some loves!
We moved Jackson's birthday party a week to give him more time to get better.  We made Jackson a Mickey Mouse birthday cake, which ended up being two cakes.  My first attempt at the cake the night before his party didn't work out so well.  It fell apart when I tried taking it out of the pan.  Luckily, I bought an extra cake mix, tried again the next morning, and it came out perfectly!  Shawn decided to save the first one by piecing it back together and frosting it, and we decided to let Jackson have that one since he was going to tear it apart anyway.  Here are the before and after pictures for the two cakes.
I was hoping Jackson would be more excited about his cake than he was about his cupcakes, but we still didn't have too much luck.  We stripped off his clothes and put him on the floor on a tablecloth thinking he might get more into the cake.  First Jackson got his foot in the cake, then Shawn tried feeding him some but he wasn't a fan.  Eventually, Shawn put Jackson in the cake, and Jackson started crying!  He calmed down and ate a couple of bites, and then was done with it so he got a bath.  Poor baby, his parents were trying to make him eat cake!
Singing Happy Birthday!
Checking the cake out ...
It's Mickey Mouse!
Tried some cake, wasn't a fan ...
So, Daddy dumped him in it!
This isn't too bad ...
Mickey Mouse cake, post-Jackson/Daddy
Jackson has become quite the fun little boy.  He is so happy and makes our lives wonderful!  Here are some fun things Jackson has been up to lately!

- Jackson loves to make noises!  His favorite right now is to growl.  He also loves to copy noises that we make.

- Loves to clap his hands.  He used to wave at everything, and now he claps at everything.  

- His favorite song is B-I-N-G-O.  Sometimes he even cries when we finish singing it and claps his hands to get us to sing again. 

- Loves books, and especially loves to turn pages.  He also likes to put his blocks, toys, and snacks into different containers, and put lids on said containers.

- We've been working with a GI specialist since September to find out why Jackson spits up so much.  He has been dairy and soy free since then.  The week after his birthday he got some blood work done to make sure he doesn't have allergies, and he is allergy free!  We slowly introduced dairy and soy and he has been fine!
Trying cheese for the first time!
- Favorite foods are hot dogs, chicken nuggets, Pirate's Booty, and YOGURT!

- We are switching him over to whole milk right now and he is a big fan!

- Is an army crawling machine.  He as recently realized that he can leave a room by crawling and has become quite the explorer.  The Stuarts got him a huge bouncy ball for his birthday, and he likes to chase that around the basement.

- Jackson loves to stand, but still can't on his own.  We are working on taking steps though!

- Has been cutting two molars for the last 3 weeks.  The sides of them are through, but the middles aren't.  Once those come through, he will be up to 10 teeth. 
Just love my silly boy!

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