Tuesday, September 6, 2011

And the winner is . . .

For all of those who have been waiting patiently, the end is here. That is, if you consider halfway the end. Courtney and I went to the doctor today and had the ultrasound. Here is Courtney's baby bump at 19 weeks.

I'll show you the pictures first and let you guess before I reveal the answer.
This is the baby's profile. Head on bottom. You can see his spine and ribs.
This is the baby's legs and bum. . . and yes, his manhood!!
That's right, we are having a boy! We are going to name him Jackson!! Courtney said I smiled from ear to ear for like an hour after we found out. We are so excited and can't wait to welcome him into our home January 31, or whenever he chooses to come!! We are excited to be able to call him by name and better prepare for his coming.


  1. SO CUTE!!! We LOVE this little man already! We can't wait to meet him!

  2. Hooray! Congratulations! Jackson is such a cute name! We're so excited for you!

  3. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!! I miss you at work, by the way. It was fun having your around, short as it was.
